Friday, August 31, 2007

Almost Pleasant

It's been a hectic summer. I haven't written much for a variety of reasons. The main one really was due to networking computer issues that kept me off my laptop. It was just too inconvenient to wait my turn on one of the other 2 computers we have in the house!

I've also felt a bit lazy. The humidity hindered my breathing and suffocated my motivation. If I didn't get my run in before 8:00 am I knew it would be extremely difficult. In this final week of August however, I've had three good runs in a row. The first was solo, the second with my husband, and the third with my son. I was able to go early in the morning, making the workouts almost pleasant.

As the calendar turns to September, I'm looking forward to cool weather, crisp air and a renewed spirit for fitness, movement and fun.