Wednesday, January 31, 2007

He's Able

I had planned to get out of bed early, do some paperwork and complete my 5 mile run, all before my seven year old even woke up. That didn’t happen. It was cold and rainy and since I haven’t yet bought any decent water-resistant running gear, I waited until a little later in the morning. I was able to get going around 10:30am. The run went well but I did feel a little uneasy thinking that this was just over 1/3 of what I would do on February 18th. Satan will do whatever he can to try and get my thoughts on a negative downward spiral. I was able to overcome with a few lines from a children’s Bible song, “He’s Able.” “….I know my Lord is able to carry me through.” I’m in training – not finished yet. This is a process.

Sometimes running 5 miles can have an unexpected blessing. When I arrived home from errands this evening, I had two loaves of heavenly homemade whole wheat bread sitting on my kitchen counter. A good friend made them for me and I figured I could have a slice or two (they were super thin) since I had had a great cardio workout. So Yummy!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

On with the Program

A 10K race was the long run scheduled on my training program. Since there were no 10K races in my area on Monday morning, I just ran around my neighborhood for 6.2 miles. Even though I had run this distance several times before, I still had a bit of an uneasy feeling starting out. Happily, my slight nervousness did not turn into a major panic attack. As a bonus, I had my
Clif Gel Shot to take after 3 miles as I had started out on an empty stomach. The mocha flavored shots are quite decadent - like the last spoonful of brownie batter you scrap from the bowl; it could go into the pan but why? Anyway, I was in such a hurry to taste it, I made a mess of the package and only had a toothpick-sized hole to squeeze it through! Not the big blob of cocoa rush I was anticipating, but still a treat. I completed my run and came home to start the day.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

And Away They Go!

I've had one cross-training day and one rest day since my last post. My run for today has been postponed until tomorrow because my husband and 15 year old son just took off for a 20 mile run to the next city!!! My 7 year old and I will be picking them up in a few hours and pampering them when they are done. This is their longest run ever and they will be doing their first full marathon the same weekend I am doing my first half marathon.

They made it!!! And, they are still walking and talking. The best part is the totally guilt-free food consumption that must follow such a run. I've been serving them all day! I am very proud of them. What a wonderful example right here at home!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


This morning as I began my 5 mile run with my new tennis shoes securely laced to my feet, I turned on my iPod as I normally do. Now, I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, or if there is some reason for it, but my iPod shuffle (the stick of gum sized one) sometimes plays the songs I just heard on my previous run in backwards order!! Cross my heart, I was able to predict what the next tune would be because I remembered the order from my last run. I'm very focused on the music - keeps me from hearing myself breath.

Today during my workout, I found myself thanking God for my life and the blessings I've experienced. My husband works from our home and I teach my boys at home, which allows me the time to exercise and not have to rush anywhere in the mornings. Our lifestyle is anything but predictable, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More Training

Today was a 5 mile run. I didn't get to wear my new shoes though; didn't want to get them dirty yet. Plus, I need to wear them around the house to break them in a little. The weather was cold and wet again, but I prayed and persevered and was very happy with my time. I was thankful for my iPod. I absolutely love listening to Switchfoot. Their Christian messages are subtle, but so deep and meaningful. I hit the repeat button several times today. The tempo of their song, 4:12 was just right.

The Power of PMS

Yesterday my hormones were on a run of their own. Luckily, I only had to do my weight routine and get ready for a GYN exam. Yes, what a lovely time to experience the first signs of PMS. I swear getting ready for a GYN exam is a workout in itself. Shave your legs, look for stray hairs, moisturize suffficiently and finally, pick a nice but conservative pair of underwear. No one even sees my underwear; it's tucked away on the hook behind my other clothing! I did stop to buy new running shoes on the way home. Spending a little cash always seems to make PMS more manageable. I made it through the rest of the day and only snapped at my husband a few times.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Eight Mile Run

Today's task was an 8 mile run. Honestly, I was dreading it. I had just run 4.5 miles on Thursday and Friday and didn't feel quite rested enough. I normally do not have to run back to back, but my training schedule was interrupted by sleet and extremely cold temperatures. And since I live in Texas, I do not have all the proper cold weather gear. It used to seem like such a waste of money, they would get so little use here. Well, I'm buying some - the windbreaker (is that term still used in the outer garment world?) I had just did not cut it.

It was sunny and blue outside, but the wind had a little chill. With my iPod blaring, I started out. Almost immediately, my right knee began to ache. I felt like I was just dragging my right leg along. This really irritated me as I had my knee strap on to keep my kneecap secure. But, I kept moving forward. I did however walk through my glugs of water and my energy gel shot. In spite of my husband's patient tutoring and his "fold and slide" technique for emptying the gel packets, I just cannot swallow and run at the same time.

I made it - all eight miles! My sense of accomplishment was short-lived. Immediately the thought ran through my head "You weren't fast enough". I must dismiss this thought. It is just not true. My time was exactly what I had estimated for myself. This was a major accomplishment for me. How many 43 year old women had run 8 miles today? I know these thoughts were from Satan, not God. I will now pat myself on the back for a job well done. Oh, and the knee pain, umm, my husband noticed I had my knee strap on in the wrong place. Oops.

I'll Never Run

That's what I would tell my husband; "I'll walk for as long as you want, but I'll never run." That was a 10K race and many miles ago and even though I still struggle with feelings of inadequacy
and doubt, I hit the pavement in search of thinner thighs; as an example for my friends and family, and to connect with my Creator, who designed our bodies for movement and who gives me the strength "to do all things".

Currently, I'm in my 7th week of training for a half-marathon to be held mid-February in Austin, Texas. My teenaged son encouraged me to start a blog. This is my first official entry.